(Strength Training)                                 &                                  (Testosterone Health)

Strength Training is a vital part of a mans overall health,  and well-being.  It helps build and strengthen muscles, as well as helping enhance metabolism for optimum fat burning as well.   Studies have also shown that strength training  also is a great natural  way to increase  testosterone levels to normal ranges, also in conjunction with natural testosterone supplements, to help raise and maintain normal testosterone levels.  Testosterone is the male dominant hormone, and is responsible  for a mans health of strength, stamina, normal sexual function, mood/wellbeing, and also regulating  the metabolism.  When this vital hormone starts to drop, well below normal  levels, it can greatly impact a mans health, and wellness very negatively.  Examples are low sexual libido,  erectile dysfunction, depression,  and also weight gain,  especially  around the midsection.  This is why testosterone is often referred to as a mans fountain of youth.

(Please watch the short video to learn more.)



Managing Testosterone is extremely  important for a mans health, and for his sex drive to be working at an optimum level.  As previously discussed,  there are many side effects of low testosterone including, low libido,  lower mental focus, erectile dysfunction,weight gain,depression, and loss of strength and lean muscle mass.  Luckily there are options and solutions to raise testosterone levels that are natural. For more information please CLICK HERE.